Sexy Organic Strong

A natural approach to food, fitness & finding your ageless glow

Hi, I’m Nikki Mongolis! I’m a certified fitness & vegan nutrition coach.

I’m dedicated to helping women develop healthy & sustainable habits to improve their overall health and well-being. Your life shouldn’t revolve around your diet, while spending hours at the gym to get the results you desire. My mission is to help you look and feel your best by following a plant-based diet and living a healthier, more natural toxic-free lifestyle.

I’ve been where you are and have fallen into the same trap as many of us……..Food fears, over-training, obsessing over the scale, and trying to get in that extra workout to justify a “cheat” meal.

There IS an easier way!

Once I educated myself and started fueling my body properly I started seeing the results I was after! Now, in my mid-40s, I simply follow the 6 Healthy Habits of Total Wellness to look & feel my best and am able to maintain my health & wellness goals while living life to its fullest!

If I can do it, SO CAN YOU!!!! 

Sexy Organic Strong is all about………….

  • Making the right plant-based food choices to fuel our bodies properly.
  • Natural ingredients and avoiding chemicals in our food and the products we buy.
  • Creating healthy habits and sticking to them.
  • Identifying our triggers and avoiding the Major Agers.

Live a balanced lifestyle 

I’ll help cut through the red tape and give you all the tools needed to help on your wellness journey! There are no gimmicks- It’s just focusing on developing healthy habits and making the right choices for your health & wellness goals!

Lasting & Sustainable Results

I’ll provide you with guidance and support – showing you what foods to eat and how to workout properly. We will work together to develop the 6 healthy habits of total wellness that will help you find your ageless glow & set you on a path for life-long success! 

Nikki Mongolis

  • Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certified Nutrition Coach
  • NASM Certified Nutrition Coach
  • Forks Over Knives Plant-Based Cooking Certification
  • 200 Hr Certified Yoga Instructor 
  • AFFA Certified Fitness Instructor
  • TRX Certified
  • 2nd Degree Black Belt (Tae Kwon Do)

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